At MyFundbox, we believe that investing is a key component of a Comprehensive Financial Plan for beating inflation, wealth appreciation, diversification of income streams and achieving financial goals
Prices increase with time, i.e. purchasing power of money erodes with time. A bread that costed ₹5 in the 1990’s costs ₹50 today
Your portfolio needs to generate returns higher than the inflation rates which can be done through a good mix of debt & equity basis your risk profile
Discipline is the biggest secret to make money in the long term
Our investment strategies will help you achieve your goals while managing risk & volatility
Our Financial planning process helps you stay invested till the goal is achieved.
Not keeping all the eggs in the same basket, we prepare a diversified portfolio of good quality investment options for your unique situation.
We regularly review & rebalance your portfolio to track your goals & maintain desired asset allocation as per your risk profile.
Contact us today to learn more about our personalized investment solutions.
Our plan typically includes a wide range of investment options from debt & equity as per your unique needs, each option with its own set of potential rewards.
We offer a variety of investment opportunities that can help you achieve your financial goals through our expertise, diversification, performance, transparency and personalised approach.
We believe that our core values of Lifetime relationships and Complete transparency are our biggest strength.
We have experience & deep knowledge of the financial markets and conduct thorough research & analysis to provide you with clear & relevant information to help you take informed & timely decisions